Zip - Line

An adventure at dizzy heights!
Ein Mann auf der Zip Line in St. Vigil. | © Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Ein Mann auf der Zip Line in St. Vigil. | © Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures

High wire act

Ein Mann auf der Zip Line in St. Vigil. | © Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures
Cables of Steel for Those with Nerves of Steel

Zip and go! On Europe’s longest zip line, helmeted adrenaline junkies speed from S. Vigilio di Marebbe-St. Vigil in Enneberg over the forests and down into the valley. It runs downward with a length of 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) past ten stations. Sometimes, it even seems like those flying past are almost touching the branches, although they are actually high above the treetops. Along the way, those streaking by hit speeds of up to 80 kmh (50 mph). That requires courage, even though everything is completely safe. Without a doubt, this zip line is located right in the middle of one of the most beautiful landscapes of the Kronplatz region: in the summer, flying through the green mountain world; in the winter, speeding through uniform white. Zip it! 


Discover the Kronplatz region