Made 2

Andreas Zingerle
Made 2

Inspired by the idea of the parasitic nature of contemporary art within society, the Brixen-born artist Andreas Zingerle placed our ambiguous perception of these insects at the heart of his concept for “Maden”. Maggots are insects which can be both disgusting and harmful, yet they also represent an important part of the ecosystem. The interplay of form and material – concrete, which is rather unusual to be found in art – provides the artwork with its fossil-like appearance.

As his other works, "Maden" reveals the enthusiasm with which Zingerle, who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, succeeds in challenging the viewers of his sculptures with special and frequently disconcerting art objects. Works that question our perception and defy a clear interpretation. The antagonism inherent in "Maden" reflects the contradictory nature that so often emerges from an art which affects every kind of emotion through its many different facets. Thus, a work of art, even though it may appear disconcerting, can still arouse great fascination.