
Das Starthaus der Skiline. | © Skirama Kronplatz
Das Starthaus der Skiline. | © Skirama Kronplatz
Dolomites Region Kronplatz

Skilines at Kronplatz

With the Skilines you will experience unforgettable moments at the Kronplatz and you can also retrieve these special memories online again and again and also share them with friends.

In addition, Skiline enables you to display all the lifts used, the metres in altitude and the kilometres of downhill skiing completed by entering your ski pass number.

It's as simple as that:

1. register at
2. enter ski pass number
3. retrieve information, videos and photos

Ein Skifahrer auf der Piste der Speed Check Speeline. | © Skirama Kronplatz

Time for personal bests: your Speed Check.
What can you expect when you reach the Speed Check gate, register with your skipass and start at the signal? A picture of you in racing position including your personal time. What a great memory.


Where joy plays the leading role: Skimovie.
This is what World Cup stars look like: We record your run from the AMG Skimovie start house to the finish line and provide you with the Skimovie including your timekeeping for download. And you? Log in at the start with your ski pass, wait for the signal and enjoy - first your run and then your film.


Lasting memories – Photo Point
Imagine a picture of a day on the slopes and you right in the middle. The Photo Point is one pretend speed camera anybody would be happy to be caught by, especially as the picture in front of the unique panorama does not cost you anything except a smile. All you need to do is hold your skipass in front of the sensor and smile into the camera. 


Kronplatz Cross
Feel like a gladiator of the Kronplatz Cross contest! Located just off the Gassl slope and equipped with a set of action cameras, our brand-new Boardercross track for up to four riders now boasts white-knuckle rides – and your very own video to prove it. May the best rider win.

Das Starthaus der Skiline. | © Skirama Kronplatz

In 2011, a spectacular new world record was set at Kronplatz: 16 athletes skied a distance of 1 million metres of difference in altitude in just 24 hours.And now it is your turn: By skiing down our World Record slope five times in one day, you too can bathe in the glory of this fun downhill record!

Ein Skifahrer fährt an einem Renntor vorbei. | © Harald Wisthaler

On the Skimovie track at the Cianross slope, it's all about going full throttle!

The prepared Skimovie course is equipped with a permanent speed measurement and your run is filmed from the Skimovie start house to the finish. Both the timing and the Skimovie can be downloaded. Simply register and off you go!